Friday, May 7, 2010
Free Blog - The Gulf Oil Spill
In late April (20 - 22) there was a massive explosion on an oil rig that caused oil to seep out of the well, the oil is still flowing out to this day.
Who's to blame? Well it would probably have to be the oil companies fault that owned the rig which is BP, although the company itself doesn’t know how the explosion happened what they really don’t know how to pick it up.
There’s not that many ways to pick it up, you can corral it but that takes quiet a long time. They could also make a relief well that could divert the flow of the oil to that rig, but that would take more than 5 months to construct and get it fully operational. Still with that we would have to find a way to plug of the main hole, which is what BP has thought about, they plan to put a 100ton dome over the hole plugging it up, then have a rig suck up the oil onto a ship stopping the oil leakage.
The only problem with plugging this hole is the fact that it is more than 5000 feet in the ocean making it hard to get anything down there, so the dome that BP has constructed will only reach the bottom late Saturday night and they will have it fully operational on Sunday evening. They have stopped trying to burn the oil because it has all dispersed and they won’t use the chemical detergents to break down the oil because it is apparently harmful to the ocean life, but BP denies these allegations, so they are using it in very small amounts.
Even when the dome reaches the bottom of the ocean to plug the hole up there is no guarantee it will work - "We haven't done this before," said a BP spokesman. "It's very complex and we can't guarantee it." The quest took on added urgency as oil yesterday reached several barrier islands off the Louisiana coast that are fragile animal habitats. The oils has clearly became a problem, but we need to find the fastest and a safest way to get the oil cleaned up and the hole plugged.
Monday, May 3, 2010
Stealing Buddha's Dinner Free Write
Cover of "Stealing Buddha's Dinner"
A Memoir about the childhood of Bich Minh Nguyen
I am currently reading "Stealing Buddha's Dinner" which is a story about a Vietnamese Family who had to move into Grand Rapids, Michigan because of the Vietnam War.
Both places have many differences from each other that give the Vietnamese Family a very large cultural barrier. When the new family moved in their rental home they were very wary about people, the father would constantly look out the window to check if any was outside and the grandfather would sleep with a large sword.Another barrier that they faced were that the kids are obsessed with food, it would seem that no one of them can get enough, they would have 1-3 fruits a day and always complain about having to put food around the Buddha statue.
It would seem that this book is revolved around their food addictions, when Bich's father got married to an American named Rosa who never let the kids have any snacks, so to compensate "" would steal or sneak food out of the kitchen just to get a quick bite.
Also people treated the main character Bich cruelly, at school everyone would call her Bitch instead of Bich - which is pronounced Bit - which made her want to have an American name very badly. Also the family in general was always out, Rosa would always get off brand foods and the no-name brands of items, which obviously made Bich jealous because her next door neighbor always had the best kinds of food which Bich liked because she herself loved food.
Friday, April 30, 2010
Overall my SIMUN experience was fun. It was a lot more fun than I originally thought it would be. Also less serious than I thought it would be, I could see my group was having fun and was a little more laid back the last 2 days. I liked the scenarios, especially how they were tied in with our prep questions that we did so we actually had an idea of what was going to happen. The only one scenario I didn’t like was the one about my country, because it was only the second day and I was still trying to think of what to say while all the other countries are stating their idea in the speakers list and caucuses. So I mainly resorted to inquires instead of just speeches, but I still managed to do 3-4 speeches on the second day which made me feel more confident the rest of the day.
I feel that I did a good job in SIMUN; the first day I only spoke once and asked one question since I wanted to get the feel of what was going on. Also I think I did well in the caucuses, I talked with fellow allies and other people who weren’t on my side to see what ideas were being made into recommendations. On the second scenario everyone sided with my view and three countries turned in 3 separate recommendations that were all alike.
To prepare for SIMUN I did the prep questions and the overview of Ukraine which was mandatory, but I also found some articles during SIMUN that I found were helpful in scenario two for the one about Ukraine that helped convince the other countries which were for Ukraine to join NATO to stop and think of the outcomes. I also prepared by reading over my graded prep questions for some clarifications on things to better help me during the scenarios.
I would differently prepare next year by researching more about my current allies and enemies and who I should focus my main attention on. Also find out what people like about recommendations that are brought to the floor to see what parts people dislike and like to write my own recommendation similar to that just better, while still helping and supporting my country. Overall my experience was fun, the chairs were nice and the mentors were very forgiving and had some great tips. I can’t wait for next year!
I feel that I did a good job in SIMUN; the first day I only spoke once and asked one question since I wanted to get the feel of what was going on. Also I think I did well in the caucuses, I talked with fellow allies and other people who weren’t on my side to see what ideas were being made into recommendations. On the second scenario everyone sided with my view and three countries turned in 3 separate recommendations that were all alike.
To prepare for SIMUN I did the prep questions and the overview of Ukraine which was mandatory, but I also found some articles during SIMUN that I found were helpful in scenario two for the one about Ukraine that helped convince the other countries which were for Ukraine to join NATO to stop and think of the outcomes. I also prepared by reading over my graded prep questions for some clarifications on things to better help me during the scenarios.
I would differently prepare next year by researching more about my current allies and enemies and who I should focus my main attention on. Also find out what people like about recommendations that are brought to the floor to see what parts people dislike and like to write my own recommendation similar to that just better, while still helping and supporting my country. Overall my experience was fun, the chairs were nice and the mentors were very forgiving and had some great tips. I can’t wait for next year!
Thursday, February 25, 2010
The 2010 Olympic Winter Games
The Olympics are the only time I like to watch TV, it is something new and not the boring old, Reality TV shows or the Drama shows that are usually on. It just brings something new for those 2-3 weeks that it is on. This is will also be my first year being able to watch and be entertained by the Olympics see how last year I was only 10 years old and didn’t care too much about the Olympic Games.
One of my favorite sports to match believe it or not is curling! Why? Well because there’s a lot more to it than just throwing a large stone down the alley and then sweep in front of it, there’s many things you have to take into account, you have know how hard you have to throw it, how much spin, when to sweep and know to land the rock in the perfect position.
Another one of my favorite Olympic sports is the speed skating, although the US didn’t get a medal, it is still fun to watch some of the other team’s race. One of the saddest events I saw was when the guy from the Dutch changed lanes and was disqualified, although he didn’t get a medal at all and the coach probably getting fired – on the bright side another guy from the Dutch team won a medal in the same event…
My least favorite sport is the Skiing Aerials; all the skiers do the same trick over, and over and over, all the skiers truly have to do is one more flip and/or spin and land it to get a better score. Also many of the news reporters have absolutely no clue what they are talking about when they see the skiers doing the tricks.
Another big Olympic sport I dislike is the bobsled and the luge, I feel all you have to do is lie down and steer the bobsled or luge. All you have to do is steer just a little bit but anything after that the track is just carrying you.
There may be only 3 more days or so of the Olympic Games but I for sure will be watching them, hope you will too!
Thursday, February 18, 2010
A Stormy Weekend - The Big Fish Blog!
It was a dark-cloudy Saturday evening; a huge rain storm was upon us. Before the storm started my family had to go to the store to get some food. It took about 10 minutes to get to the store, while there we picked up many food items (cereal, milk, eggs, etc.) while in the middle of your shopping the store lights went out. It was so dark you couldn’t see the hand in front of you. As soon as the generators went on we bought our food and left.
On the way home we could saw the 50+ foot high storm front, the wind was very strong, so strong the bike rack filled with bikes flew away! It was complete chaos; we rushed into the house groceries in hand. Since the power was out we had to get the generator from our backyard shed, the shed was a distance away. My dad had to run into the shed and hull the large generator out, the wind was so heavy the generator wheeled away down the driveway by the heavy wind…
My Dad finally gotten the generator near the house and hooked up, the house illuminated the dark neighborhood. Near the end of the storm we heard the loudest sound ever heard before it was like 10000 fingernails against a chalk board. My neighbors 4 ft tree had flown out of the ground and landed in my yard and reached over into my other neighbor’s yard!
After the storm had settled and wind gone I could hear my neighbor’s dog pack (5-8 dogs) barking from the inside of her house as everyone helped to cut down the tree into moveable pieces. Just as we got started, channel 7, Channel 2, channel 5, etc. pulled in – every news station in Michigan had shown up to see the massive 10 foot wide hole in the ground. Everyone from my neighborhood to 2 blocks over was there.
It was the craziest weekend of my life, but a very exciting and interesting one.
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Iran's Nuclear Program
Iran has stalled for too much time. Iran has changed their mind about sending over uranium to be enriched to foreign countries like Russia 4 times, and all 4 times have been a ridiculous way to waste many people’s time and patience with Iran. According to BBC, Iran is willing to send uranium, but is being stubborn by only accepting to receive fuel for letting foreign countries to enrich it.
Iran is not and has not been a truthful country. Iran in the past has lied and is doing it now, with Iran’s recent statement that they will become a nuclear power and will be enriching highly concentrated amounts of Uranium for nuclear warheads. Iran is like a child lying to a group of people to not get caught building a water balloon launcher and continually lies until their launcher is complete. Iran did such that, they lied and stalled for more time until they had their uranium ready to be a warhead.
Friday, January 22, 2010
Semester Reflection
I have learned many new things in my first semester of Global ED English class, especially new things that I probably wouldn’t have learned in a normal English class.
One of my very first things I learned to do was my weekly articles, I remember sitting at my computer trying to think of good ideas to help get my point across. It was only after the first weekly article where I finally got the hang of writing them properly and persuasively, all the thanks to Mr. Fielder’s great way of teaching us how to type our paper properly, by going through each paragraph with us one at a time.
Another thing I learned is how to view things at many different perspectives. One way that really helped me look at things in many different ways was listening to the “The Man in the Well” story, which really got me thinking of what the author was truly trying to get across to his readers/listeners. It really helped me when Mr. Fielder had a large class discussion on what others thought the author was trying say, everyone had their own little ideas and thoughts about what the author was trying to tell.
I learned very much about the Rwandan genocide. We had many class discussions about the genocide ranging from what we all had to say about one faction that took part in the genocide to what they were fighting over. One way we got to learn about the genocide was the debate, we each had an assigned group (U.S., U.N., MRND, Belgium, etc.) and debated over who truly started the genocide. Also when we had all of our facts known about the genocide Mr. Fielder had us write a letter acting as if we were in Paul R.’s (A person who experienced the genocide first hand) situation. When we wrote the letter it really helped me improve on my writing skills and taught me about pathos, ethos, transitions, and good supporting paragraphs. It also had us took what we already know about writing and just put it all together in one good paper.
Did you know Aborigines of Australia were mistreated for hundreds of years? That’s just one of the thing that I learned about the history of Australia, The aborigine people were mistreated and abused for centuries, ever since Europeans had first settled in Australia. Only recently have the Aborigine people gotten their rights back, but before that they used to be fenced off from the other half of Australia and the Europeans settlers had tried to breed out their heritage so there would be no remembrance of them. One way we learned about Australia was from watching “Rabbit Proof Fence” which told the story of 3 young children being taken away from their family and their mission to be reunited with their family once more.
Those are just some of the things I learned over my first semester, hopefully next semester I can learn even more!
One of my very first things I learned to do was my weekly articles, I remember sitting at my computer trying to think of good ideas to help get my point across. It was only after the first weekly article where I finally got the hang of writing them properly and persuasively, all the thanks to Mr. Fielder’s great way of teaching us how to type our paper properly, by going through each paragraph with us one at a time.
Another thing I learned is how to view things at many different perspectives. One way that really helped me look at things in many different ways was listening to the “The Man in the Well” story, which really got me thinking of what the author was truly trying to get across to his readers/listeners. It really helped me when Mr. Fielder had a large class discussion on what others thought the author was trying say, everyone had their own little ideas and thoughts about what the author was trying to tell.
I learned very much about the Rwandan genocide. We had many class discussions about the genocide ranging from what we all had to say about one faction that took part in the genocide to what they were fighting over. One way we got to learn about the genocide was the debate, we each had an assigned group (U.S., U.N., MRND, Belgium, etc.) and debated over who truly started the genocide. Also when we had all of our facts known about the genocide Mr. Fielder had us write a letter acting as if we were in Paul R.’s (A person who experienced the genocide first hand) situation. When we wrote the letter it really helped me improve on my writing skills and taught me about pathos, ethos, transitions, and good supporting paragraphs. It also had us took what we already know about writing and just put it all together in one good paper.
Did you know Aborigines of Australia were mistreated for hundreds of years? That’s just one of the thing that I learned about the history of Australia, The aborigine people were mistreated and abused for centuries, ever since Europeans had first settled in Australia. Only recently have the Aborigine people gotten their rights back, but before that they used to be fenced off from the other half of Australia and the Europeans settlers had tried to breed out their heritage so there would be no remembrance of them. One way we learned about Australia was from watching “Rabbit Proof Fence” which told the story of 3 young children being taken away from their family and their mission to be reunited with their family once more.
Those are just some of the things I learned over my first semester, hopefully next semester I can learn even more!
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Natives - Who would I be...?
If I was a native to any country we have learned about, I would be a native to Australia.
I would be an Aborigine of Australia because unlike the rwandans and the natives, they did not end up dead hurt in wars, the aborigines have just been moved/relocated to another part of their orignal country. Also they have been around for thousands of years, many tribes and native groups only last around 100 - 1000 years.
In South Africa, the original settlers were overrun by the british and other europeans. People may say that they werent treated that poorly and just were moved, but there was major overcrowding due to the goldrush and the natives could not buy any land in the region they were left with. People would also say that the disease in Australia was horrible and not worth it, it would only take one generation to evolve and make themselves born being immune to the disease.
I would be an Aborigine of Australia because unlike the rwandans and the natives, they did not end up dead hurt in wars, the aborigines have just been moved/relocated to another part of their orignal country. Also they have been around for thousands of years, many tribes and native groups only last around 100 - 1000 years.
In South Africa, the original settlers were overrun by the british and other europeans. People may say that they werent treated that poorly and just were moved, but there was major overcrowding due to the goldrush and the natives could not buy any land in the region they were left with. People would also say that the disease in Australia was horrible and not worth it, it would only take one generation to evolve and make themselves born being immune to the disease.
Friday, January 8, 2010
Christmas Break
Christmas break is the best time of the school year... 3 weeks off from school, what else could be better besides summer vacation.
Over the break I really didn’t do too much I laid around and played my PS3, just waiting for Christmas to come around so I would get some new games. Right before Christmas I watched all my old movies that I hadn’t seen in a while, Harry Potter, Saving Private Ryan, I rented Inglorious Basterds and rented the game Borderlands.
On Christmas eve I always go to my neighbors, this year was like all the rest sitting around talking with random people I don’t know, the only good thing about that party is the food and lpaying with all their dogs they had at the time!
When Christmas day came up I was pretty excited since I knew everything what I was going to get, I knew this because I only wanted a few things this Christmas, and I got Borderlands, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, and the best Nintendo DS game ever created by man, Scribblenauts. When I went to my grandma’s house for Christmas dinner I got the normal gifts which were clothes, but it didn’t matter to me because my grandma always makes the best food for Christmas!
After Christmas day the rest of the week went by pretty fast, probably because I was so determined to hit first prestige in CoDMW2, and watching some more movies that I got for Christmas. After a while I got bored and used my AMC movie gift card and saw Avatar which was a pretty good movie, but not worth all the money that was put into making the actual movie itself.( $280–310 million to produce!)
The Sunday before school started I was pretty down I had to finish up all my homework and had to prepare for the morning ahead- I had to change my alarm clock form 11am back to 5:45am which was pretty bad. Plus I knew the next morning I would be extremely tired knowing I wouldn’t be able to go to sleep from staying up until 3am every morning. Also the fact then we had to start school all together, get up early, and get piled with homework and studying, but especially the homework.
Over the break I really didn’t do too much I laid around and played my PS3, just waiting for Christmas to come around so I would get some new games. Right before Christmas I watched all my old movies that I hadn’t seen in a while, Harry Potter, Saving Private Ryan, I rented Inglorious Basterds and rented the game Borderlands.
On Christmas eve I always go to my neighbors, this year was like all the rest sitting around talking with random people I don’t know, the only good thing about that party is the food and lpaying with all their dogs they had at the time!
When Christmas day came up I was pretty excited since I knew everything what I was going to get, I knew this because I only wanted a few things this Christmas, and I got Borderlands, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, and the best Nintendo DS game ever created by man, Scribblenauts. When I went to my grandma’s house for Christmas dinner I got the normal gifts which were clothes, but it didn’t matter to me because my grandma always makes the best food for Christmas!
After Christmas day the rest of the week went by pretty fast, probably because I was so determined to hit first prestige in CoDMW2, and watching some more movies that I got for Christmas. After a while I got bored and used my AMC movie gift card and saw Avatar which was a pretty good movie, but not worth all the money that was put into making the actual movie itself.( $280–310 million to produce!)
The Sunday before school started I was pretty down I had to finish up all my homework and had to prepare for the morning ahead- I had to change my alarm clock form 11am back to 5:45am which was pretty bad. Plus I knew the next morning I would be extremely tired knowing I wouldn’t be able to go to sleep from staying up until 3am every morning. Also the fact then we had to start school all together, get up early, and get piled with homework and studying, but especially the homework.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Genocide Debate
This past Thursday our debate on the Rwandan genocide took place in class. My group was assigned to the view point of Belgium, I feel what my country did during the genocide was bad, we favored one side too much then to fix it we favored the Hutus more instead to help balance things out which in the long-term effects did not help at all.
I learned that France was the one to train the Rwandan army, which helped more people to be killed during the genocide, and that neither the United States nor United Nations did anything to help stop the genocide in any way. Another thing I learned about the genocide is that the MRND hosted a radio broadcast which talked badly against the Tutsi people (A hate radio). The RPF asked why they would influence so many people to start hating the Tutsis, the MRND defended by saying they were simply saying what they felt and were not saying it in a hateful or negative way.
Overall I enjoyed the debate very much; I learned many things of many groups both bad and good. It was a very good way to help each group think and say about the issue we are trying to resolve. I also like the fact that instead of reading about it or having a test on an article referring to the genocide we had something hands-on to do instead, which helped me learn more quickly of the problems happening in Rwanda.
No one can blame what has happened in Rwanda to just one country, because it was the act of all of the groups and countries acting together and making wrong choices that really triggered this whole genocide. Most of the groups blamed the US and UN but there was many others such as Belgium and the RPF that took a major role in the genocide. I hope we can have another debate such as the one we had last Thursday because I had a lot of fun and I learned a lot of different things.
I learned that France was the one to train the Rwandan army, which helped more people to be killed during the genocide, and that neither the United States nor United Nations did anything to help stop the genocide in any way. Another thing I learned about the genocide is that the MRND hosted a radio broadcast which talked badly against the Tutsi people (A hate radio). The RPF asked why they would influence so many people to start hating the Tutsis, the MRND defended by saying they were simply saying what they felt and were not saying it in a hateful or negative way.
Overall I enjoyed the debate very much; I learned many things of many groups both bad and good. It was a very good way to help each group think and say about the issue we are trying to resolve. I also like the fact that instead of reading about it or having a test on an article referring to the genocide we had something hands-on to do instead, which helped me learn more quickly of the problems happening in Rwanda.
No one can blame what has happened in Rwanda to just one country, because it was the act of all of the groups and countries acting together and making wrong choices that really triggered this whole genocide. Most of the groups blamed the US and UN but there was many others such as Belgium and the RPF that took a major role in the genocide. I hope we can have another debate such as the one we had last Thursday because I had a lot of fun and I learned a lot of different things.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
The American Scholar
Emerson's argument in"The American Scholar" about American society still holds true today.
One reason is the fact the many jobs today only provide one skill. Such as my father who has been working as a computer technician for his entire life and he has not thought of any other options since. Also in the article Emerson also states that people get so into their job its second nature to them - “The priest becomes a form, the attorney a statue book, the mechanic a machine, the sailor a rope of the ship.”
Another reason the article still is true is because many of us rely on doing the same thing veryday. Many working men and women do the same thing, wake up, go to work, do the same thing at work they have been doing for the last few years, go home and start the cycle all over again the next day. So many Americans today are doing the same thing everyday and not exploring any new possibilities for their lives.
One reason is the fact the many jobs today only provide one skill. Such as my father who has been working as a computer technician for his entire life and he has not thought of any other options since. Also in the article Emerson also states that people get so into their job its second nature to them - “The priest becomes a form, the attorney a statue book, the mechanic a machine, the sailor a rope of the ship.”
Another reason the article still is true is because many of us rely on doing the same thing veryday. Many working men and women do the same thing, wake up, go to work, do the same thing at work they have been doing for the last few years, go home and start the cycle all over again the next day. So many Americans today are doing the same thing everyday and not exploring any new possibilities for their lives.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Halloween is always the best time of the year – candy, scary movies, candy, dressing up and did I mention all the candy?
One of my favorite scary movies I’ve seen was the original “The Exorcist”, it may be a very old movie but it is a very scary one in my opinion. When I first saw it I couldn’t sleep for the next week and a half, and I usually don’t get scared by movies easily. Another movie that I was horrified of when I was about in the 4th grade was Chucky. I couldn’t stand him he just freaked me out, and every now and then my mom would trick me and tell me to turn the channel to this “cool” show and it would be chucky.
Dressing up isn’t a big thing in my family; I have dressed up as the same thing since I was in the 1st grade. I really don’t mind it as long as I get the candy; it is a skeleton mask with a black cape. (The Grim Reaper) My brother usually buys a new costume every year and never looks at it again after that year Halloween.
My favorite kind of candy is Milky Way’s and Mint Three Musketeer’s, but no one ever pass those out since no one else likes them. I never stay out to get a lot of candy because my next door neighbor gives her left over candy.
This year I didn’t even go tricking treating I went to On The Border for my father’s birthday which is the 31st and rented a free movie because it was his birthday. The movie I rented didn’t keep to the Halloween spirit – it was Land of the Lost, it wasn’t that funny but some parts were. My favorite part was when Will Ferrell said “great now we are stuck here with these things peering into our souls” he was referring to these animals with big eye that were staring at them in this small room.
So overall Halloween is a fun part of the year its beautiful outside and people are happy. It is the one holiday that’s main focus is to give kids lots of candy, which is what makes it such a great holiday.
One of my favorite scary movies I’ve seen was the original “The Exorcist”, it may be a very old movie but it is a very scary one in my opinion. When I first saw it I couldn’t sleep for the next week and a half, and I usually don’t get scared by movies easily. Another movie that I was horrified of when I was about in the 4th grade was Chucky. I couldn’t stand him he just freaked me out, and every now and then my mom would trick me and tell me to turn the channel to this “cool” show and it would be chucky.
Dressing up isn’t a big thing in my family; I have dressed up as the same thing since I was in the 1st grade. I really don’t mind it as long as I get the candy; it is a skeleton mask with a black cape. (The Grim Reaper) My brother usually buys a new costume every year and never looks at it again after that year Halloween.
My favorite kind of candy is Milky Way’s and Mint Three Musketeer’s, but no one ever pass those out since no one else likes them. I never stay out to get a lot of candy because my next door neighbor gives her left over candy.
This year I didn’t even go tricking treating I went to On The Border for my father’s birthday which is the 31st and rented a free movie because it was his birthday. The movie I rented didn’t keep to the Halloween spirit – it was Land of the Lost, it wasn’t that funny but some parts were. My favorite part was when Will Ferrell said “great now we are stuck here with these things peering into our souls” he was referring to these animals with big eye that were staring at them in this small room.
So overall Halloween is a fun part of the year its beautiful outside and people are happy. It is the one holiday that’s main focus is to give kids lots of candy, which is what makes it such a great holiday.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Balloon Boy
It was October 15, 2009 at 3 o’ clock. I had just gotten home from school and I was flipping through news channels to find some interesting stories for current events. But when I looked through all the channels it was all the same news story. “This just in – there is a 6-year old boy trapped in a giant balloon 2000 feet over Ft. Collins, Colorado.” I was like WHAT!?... I just had to listen to this story.
So on the news reporter went about how this little 6-year old boy climbed into this 20ft wide saucer shaped balloon and floated away in the balloon because the rope holding the balloon down came undone. I was thinking to myself, how could parents not notice the little kid climbing into this crazy balloon? So I had to continue watching this story to see how they were going to get this balloon down from so high up in the sky.
On they went about how getting too close to the balloon with a helicopter would be too risky and how a net would just make it plummet to the ground. So all they were going to do was to let the balloon slowly lose its helium and float gently to the ground. So for the next 45 minutes I watched and filled my dad in on what was happening too.
So after 45 minutes the balloon was falling to the ground near Denver very slowly and rescuers were underneath the balloon ready to catch it and rescue the boy. So when the balloon finally landed 15 minutes later they held down the ropes that came detached, poked holes in the balloon so it couldn’t fly away and were starting to pry open that compartment that the little boy was in.
So finally they opened the compartment, and believe it or not guess what they found in it, NOTHING. I was like huh? You mean I waited an hour and a half to watch a big balloon fly around in the sky. So I quickly changed the channel in disbelief.
Later that night on the Larry King Show, there was an interview with the family about the whole incident, they talked about being worried and how they found the little boy in their attic they happened not to look in. So I thought to myself, oh well I understand why they were so worried… until I heard what the little boy had to say when his father asked him why he was hiding from everyone and didn’t come out when they called him name the little boy responded, “Um…you guys said we did this for the show.”
So now I knew that this isn’t real, although they were on the show “Wife Swap” the little boy would not be talking about that in an interview. So that was pretty much my entire Thursday evening because this story took a while to fully unravel.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
The Nobel Peace Prize

In the past week it was announced that Barrack Obama the president of the US has won the Nobel Peace Prize. The Nobel Prize committee said it honored Obama for his "extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples." And this is my viewpoint about it.
I personally feel Obama should have not won anything; he has been in office for less than a year. The only thing I see he has accomplished is talking with Pakistan and Iran about simple things those two countries could have done by themselves… And another thing is what he did that international in the last 2 months, the only thing I’ve seen him talk about is the Olympics, health care reforms, shortening summer and increasing school years.
Yeah he might of strengthen international diplomacy in Iraq and Afghanistan, but how did we get this far, it was the former president that got us that close with Iraq and Afghanistan Obama just finished up the job and took all the credit for the work. Also we think Obama has done a great job because we have had a not so good president for the last eight years and are used to bad leadership from a former president.
Last year’s winner Martti Ahtisaari won for his important efforts, on several continents and over more than three decades, to resolve international conflicts. These efforts have contributed to a more peaceful world and to "fraternity between nations" in Alfred Nobel's spirit. – NobelPrizes Now this man really deserved the Peace prize, he tried to make this world right for over three decades. Obama has been in office for only about nine months, and has accomplished very little. Maybe the Nobel Prize committee looked into the future and saw all he accomplishments in the near future.
Obama isn’t a bad person don’t get me wrong, I think he is a great president and will lead America out of this rescission we are in. He just doesn’t need to earn the peace prize… it could have gone to someone with greater will power, and isn’t doing all those things part and responsibly of his job as the president, to lead our country better and helping others around us? Source

Over the weekend I saw the movie “Defiance”, it was a movie about three Jewish brothers trying to survive in a Nazi controlled area in a small forest village they constructed with the help of about 1000 other Jewish families just trying to keep alive one day at a time.
This movie taught me a lot of things, not only to value everyday of your life but to enjoy the freedoms we have every day. There were many ways these three brothers faced hardship every day, they had to feed, shelter and protect all of these villagers in a Nazi controlled area, without being noticed by the outside world, and try to build a strong community as well. One of the main factors that helped the village survive was the help from a nearby camp of Russian soldier’s whose goals were to move in and try to reclaim Nazi controlled areas.
One of the main focuses of the story was getting revenge on the Nazi squad that killed and destroyed the three brother’s family and surrounding Jewish people. They used the help from other people around the area that were non-Jewish to cover up and help hide the village from being spotted. I think it was incredible what these three brothers and a few others could try to stop the Nazi’s from over running the entire area they were in.
Eventually all this resistance would make some attention and it eventually did. A non-Jewish friend of the village had told a Nazi official of their whereabouts. It wasn’t long until a squad of about 20 soldiers had tried to invade the village, but the Villagers were ready to defend, with the motivation of surviving and pulling through they fended all 20 off.
“Hope”, this was one of the words that really gave one of the three brothers to start to regain faith in their village that had been destroyed by a bomber. With their village destroyed and many dead they had lost a lot of hope. Eventually they rebuilt about 10 miles north and held out for the next 3 years. Eventually the war had ended and the 3 Brothers had immigrated to America, to live very successful lives.
I would recommend this movie to many people interested in history of WWII, It gave a good perception of an amazing tale of a family and village with an admission to survive and never give up hope in the others around them.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
A - Z Poem
A is for Athletic I love to play sports with friends and always try my best to play sports I like such as football!
B is for Baseball, Baseball has to be one of my favorite sports of all time. I grew up playing it with my cousins and loved it then and still love the game today.
C is for Coca-Cola, It is my favorite drink and the only drink I will drink other than juice.
D is for Drawing, I like to draw many things that mean something to me (present) although I’m not a good one.
E is for Energetic, I am full of energy when not in the classroom!
F is for Friends and Family, I like to hang out with them as much as I can!
G is for Grandparents, They are my favorite part of my life.
H is for Helpful, I love to help others in need. I also like to help people when they are sad.
I is for Intelligent, I always try my best to exceed in my academics.
J is for Joker I am always trying to make others laugh and make people just have that much better of a day.
K is for Kind, I always am kind to everyone I meet and never try to be mean.
L is for Laughter, I am always up for a good laugh with friends. I also like to make other people laugh.
M is for Matt, it is my name.
N is for Nice, I am very nice to people, always trying to help people and make them laugh.
O is for Outgoing, I like to go out of my way to help people and become friends with new people.
P is for Pizza, it is one of my favorite foods. I love its greasiness and taste.
Q is for Qdoba, It is my favorite fast food restaurant, it’s even better then Taco Bell.
R is for Running, for exercise I enjoy to run and workout by running.
S is for Sunny, I love it when it is sunny outside, I feel much better during sunny days then cloudy ones.
T is for Trying; I always give my best effort and am always trying to improve inside and outside the classroom!
U is for US; I am very patriotic and love to represent my country.
V is for Video games, I love to play violent video games because they relieve my stress!
W is for Watermelon, It is my favorite kind of fruit to eat.
X is for Xochimilco, It is one of my favorite restaurants of all time located in Detroit, MI.
Y is for Yellow, it is my favorite color, it also reminds of the summer.
Z is for Zoo, the zoo is my favorite place to go during the summer.
B is for Baseball, Baseball has to be one of my favorite sports of all time. I grew up playing it with my cousins and loved it then and still love the game today.
C is for Coca-Cola, It is my favorite drink and the only drink I will drink other than juice.
D is for Drawing, I like to draw many things that mean something to me (present) although I’m not a good one.
E is for Energetic, I am full of energy when not in the classroom!
F is for Friends and Family, I like to hang out with them as much as I can!
G is for Grandparents, They are my favorite part of my life.
H is for Helpful, I love to help others in need. I also like to help people when they are sad.
I is for Intelligent, I always try my best to exceed in my academics.
J is for Joker I am always trying to make others laugh and make people just have that much better of a day.
K is for Kind, I always am kind to everyone I meet and never try to be mean.
L is for Laughter, I am always up for a good laugh with friends. I also like to make other people laugh.
M is for Matt, it is my name.
N is for Nice, I am very nice to people, always trying to help people and make them laugh.
O is for Outgoing, I like to go out of my way to help people and become friends with new people.
P is for Pizza, it is one of my favorite foods. I love its greasiness and taste.
Q is for Qdoba, It is my favorite fast food restaurant, it’s even better then Taco Bell.
R is for Running, for exercise I enjoy to run and workout by running.
S is for Sunny, I love it when it is sunny outside, I feel much better during sunny days then cloudy ones.
T is for Trying; I always give my best effort and am always trying to improve inside and outside the classroom!
U is for US; I am very patriotic and love to represent my country.
V is for Video games, I love to play violent video games because they relieve my stress!
W is for Watermelon, It is my favorite kind of fruit to eat.
X is for Xochimilco, It is one of my favorite restaurants of all time located in Detroit, MI.
Y is for Yellow, it is my favorite color, it also reminds of the summer.
Z is for Zoo, the zoo is my favorite place to go during the summer.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
A New Beginning
It was 5:30 AM and I could barely open my eyes and I just did not want to wake up… but I knew I had to, so I crawled out of bed and began choosing what to wear for school. I walked into the dark-empty hallway, it was freezing and lifeless. I walked into the kitchen and turned on the lights, shuffling my feet I slowly made my way to the pantry to pour myself a bowl of Frosted Flakes. They were very stale from not being eaten since last June but I still managed to eat the entire bowl. After I was finally done I turned on the television and watched the morning news at 6, which was boring but it was the only thing on that early in the morning.
When it came time to leave 20 minutes later I rushed out the door and into the empty world, everyone was asleep and my street was so dark… I felt like it was the last man on earth. I slowly made my way down to the end of the street, to be met with a bunch of sophomores; they did not talk much since it was so early in the morning… When the bus finally arrived at our stop I climbed up the steep staircase and sat in the nearest seat to the two kids who were on my bus last year. We talked about our summer and looked for other kids we knew on the bus.
When we finally got to school I was surprised at the amount of people at the school it was like the entire population of Michigan had gathered at the school. When I got into the school I slowly made my way through the people talking in the hall and found my locker. I put my books away, grabbed a random pencil and went to go find some friends. I found a couple people and talked about how our summer went and what we had done exciting. I was so tired I didn’t really want to talk so I just said “It was good” and listened in on what the others had to say.
When the first bell had rung I rushed to my first hour and was ready to officially start my school year at Stevenson, I knew it was going to be a great school year…
When it came time to leave 20 minutes later I rushed out the door and into the empty world, everyone was asleep and my street was so dark… I felt like it was the last man on earth. I slowly made my way down to the end of the street, to be met with a bunch of sophomores; they did not talk much since it was so early in the morning… When the bus finally arrived at our stop I climbed up the steep staircase and sat in the nearest seat to the two kids who were on my bus last year. We talked about our summer and looked for other kids we knew on the bus.
When we finally got to school I was surprised at the amount of people at the school it was like the entire population of Michigan had gathered at the school. When I got into the school I slowly made my way through the people talking in the hall and found my locker. I put my books away, grabbed a random pencil and went to go find some friends. I found a couple people and talked about how our summer went and what we had done exciting. I was so tired I didn’t really want to talk so I just said “It was good” and listened in on what the others had to say.
When the first bell had rung I rushed to my first hour and was ready to officially start my school year at Stevenson, I knew it was going to be a great school year…
My first two weeks in Stevenson so far have been very fun. The first couple of days I was still trying to get the hang of the school and get to know the physical layout of the school still. I caught up with a couple of friends and met a few new ones too.
After those first couple of days of finding my classes and barely making it to class on time I had a set patterns and a set route to get to each class and it became a lot easier. Also after my first week of school things have gotten to be a lot tougher than the first week, since the teachers and students are getting into the groove of the regular school schedule. My school assignments have gotten a lot tougher too, I usually have about an hour to an hour and a half of homework every night compared to what I had last year back in middle school of about half an hour to forty-five minutes. Also the difficulty of the homework… I used to breeze by all of the homework and now I really have to try and think hard to get full credit for my assignments and tests.
The extra schools activities have also been exciting…last year the only after school activities we had were little parties now we are having many dances and meetings to get to experience the school in a whole different kind of way! My first outside school activity I went to was the Freshman dance which was very fun. There were many people I haven't seen in forever and many people I already knew!
Overall my experience so far at Steven has been a blast and I can not wait for what the rest of the year has for me.
Overall my experience so far at Steven has been a blast and I cannot wait for what the rest of the year has for me.
After those first couple of days of finding my classes and barely making it to class on time I had a set patterns and a set route to get to each class and it became a lot easier. Also after my first week of school things have gotten to be a lot tougher than the first week, since the teachers and students are getting into the groove of the regular school schedule. My school assignments have gotten a lot tougher too, I usually have about an hour to an hour and a half of homework every night compared to what I had last year back in middle school of about half an hour to forty-five minutes. Also the difficulty of the homework… I used to breeze by all of the homework and now I really have to try and think hard to get full credit for my assignments and tests.
The extra schools activities have also been exciting…last year the only after school activities we had were little parties now we are having many dances and meetings to get to experience the school in a whole different kind of way! My first outside school activity I went to was the Freshman dance which was very fun. There were many people I haven't seen in forever and many people I already knew!
Overall my experience so far at Steven has been a blast and I can not wait for what the rest of the year has for me.
Overall my experience so far at Steven has been a blast and I cannot wait for what the rest of the year has for me.
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