In the past week it was announced that Barrack Obama the president of the US has won the Nobel Peace Prize. The Nobel Prize committee said it honored Obama for his "extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples." And this is my viewpoint about it.
I personally feel Obama should have not won anything; he has been in office for less than a year. The only thing I see he has accomplished is talking with Pakistan and Iran about simple things those two countries could have done by themselves… And another thing is what he did that international in the last 2 months, the only thing I’ve seen him talk about is the Olympics, health care reforms, shortening summer and increasing school years.
Yeah he might of strengthen international diplomacy in Iraq and Afghanistan, but how did we get this far, it was the former president that got us that close with Iraq and Afghanistan Obama just finished up the job and took all the credit for the work. Also we think Obama has done a great job because we have had a not so good president for the last eight years and are used to bad leadership from a former president.
Last year’s winner Martti Ahtisaari won for his important efforts, on several continents and over more than three decades, to resolve international conflicts. These efforts have contributed to a more peaceful world and to "fraternity between nations" in Alfred Nobel's spirit. – NobelPrizes Now this man really deserved the Peace prize, he tried to make this world right for over three decades. Obama has been in office for only about nine months, and has accomplished very little. Maybe the Nobel Prize committee looked into the future and saw all he accomplishments in the near future.
Obama isn’t a bad person don’t get me wrong, I think he is a great president and will lead America out of this rescission we are in. He just doesn’t need to earn the peace prize… it could have gone to someone with greater will power, and isn’t doing all those things part and responsibly of his job as the president, to lead our country better and helping others around us? Source
I'm glad that you are for Obama, and that you like that he won the Peace Prize.