Thursday, January 21, 2010

Natives - Who would I be...?

If I was a native to any country we have learned about, I would be a native to Australia.

I would be an Aborigine of Australia because unlike the rwandans and the natives, they did not end up dead hurt in wars, the aborigines have just been moved/relocated to another part of their orignal country. Also they have been around for thousands of years, many tribes and native groups only last around 100 - 1000 years.

In South Africa, the original settlers were overrun by the british and other europeans. People may say that they werent treated that poorly and just were moved, but there was major overcrowding due to the goldrush and the natives could not buy any land in the region they were left with. People would also say that the disease in Australia was horrible and not worth it, it would only take one generation to evolve and make themselves born being immune to the disease.

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